Monday, January 12, 2009

Home already?

So Carli is doing so well. She is 4lbs 11 oz and now she is eating all of her full feeds through a bottle, and today she pulled her feeding tube out so they aren't going to put it back in. Yippie and to top it off she isn't on the canula either ( the little nose oxygen thing). She got to go to the Intermediate NICU too. this pict was taken on the 4th. You can see how her legs, arms and tummy are getting fuller, i was going to write chunky but they aren't quite there yet.


Alveybunch said...

She looks great!

Chari said...

Wow, that is so exciting! She looks amazing and I bet that she'll be home in no time!

Andy said...

Such great news Erin! I hope everything continues to go well!

Maren and Dustin said...

Wow, she looks so big! (Even if she is still super tiny!!!!) I hope she's coming home soon.