Thursday, March 3, 2011

I know pictures are more fun

Yes, it has been a while since I've posted anything.
Let's see, A is in his 2nd season of Y basketball. He LOVES basketball! It is such a blast to go and watch him play. Not such a blast to wrestle C during the game but J-man and I take turns, I get a quarter he gets a quarter. Works great!
B is learning to read. I have a book called "Teach your child to read in 100 east lessons" love love love this book. They are quick and easy lessons and he is doing so well. B is a little sad today because he and his best friend K were supposed to have a play day but because of sickness it had to be canceled ... bummer.
C is growing way to quick. She is a climber now and her favorite place to climb is the kitchen table and now that she can pull chairs out on her own... the table is all hers. Any thing on the table is free for the taking or that's what she thinks.
And with these three busy kids running around all day, what do I after them of course. No better purpose than that!
J-man and I have been busy with work too, even though it's winter and the roofing is slower the office work isn't. Taxes and paper work never cease!
I know, I know pictures make it more fun to visit blogs right? I totally agree, and being as I don't have any pictures (of my cute kids or family or the fun things we've been up to) on this little notebook I've been using (since our computer stopped working) I thought I'd share some other pictures of things I like.

Feel free to oooh and aaah!
love these shoes

thanks for visiting ... come again and have a great day (or night)!


Anonymous said...

We LOVE that reading system book!! I've taught every one of our children to read with only that book and the Book of Mormon. And they're fantastic readers! You'll LOVE the result of that book!!!

Mindy, Evan and Davis said...

wow great pics I love all of it sis! The table thing, yeah we have that going on at our house too. I think it is more of look what I did mom than trying to get what is on top of the table.

Hope all is well with you guys, talk later :-)

Andy said...

nice to read an update, and I love that sweater!