Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Yeah, i totally have no idea where my camera went to after the whole Easter thing was done... but luckily others got some family photos... The matching outfits, yes, that tradition comes from my side and if I remember correctly, I loved it (Mom might remember differently) still do love it, the boys...hmmm... not so much.

The year I remember most is when my younger sister and I had dresses made from the same material but they were different patterns. Purple with white hearts. The dress was perfect for twirling. Twirling was the true test of a dress.

So sisters, what do you remember about Easter outfits? Did you like them? Do you have a favorite? Any other memories about Easter? I am curious ...


Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL family photo!!!!!

Alveybunch said...

Your family is beautiful Erin. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Maren and Dustin said...

So cute! Hey, who says we can't go matchy-match with boys? :) And I so love the comment about twirling dresses! It IS the true test of a good dress!

Lee and Sharon said...

I just remember sewing and sewing. Really cute picture.

Kris said...

First of all, cute family photo. I was about to get those same green shirts for Lo and Linc. :-) I went with Target instead of Children's place though. Good choice, though. And secondly, I love dressing up and matching too. I haven't quite perfected it like you have, but it's funny to me to think that people don't get all dressed up on Easter with matching outfits, at least for the kids. :-) I don't remember the purple with white hearts, but I remember some kind of a floral one, that was purple and green and white I think. Good memories!

Andy said...

yep - the twirling. I remember getting a new Easter dress every year. I don't remember any specifics, but I ALWAYS wanted one that was good for twirling. Another good test of a dress was to kneel over the heater vent while it was on and see how much the dress poofed out. :)